Assin Foso Municipal Assembly inaugurated the ninth Assembly and swear in ceremony for twenty two (22) honorable members to assume office on Monday 12th February 2024 after a successful District Assembly Elections held on 19th December, 2023.
The ceremony brought together dignitaries from all sectors to grace the occasion. The ceremony was chaired by Nana Kwaku Apportai IV, the Chief of Aboabo.
The municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Nicholas Fiifi Baako in addressing the hon. Members indicated that, trust and confidence had been reposed in them by the people to represent their interest and work towards the betterment of the people they represent. He further said honorable Members should give listening ears to the concerns of their people regardless their background. He again urged hon. Member to prioritized transparency and accountability in discharging their duties as the people have the right to know how their resources are being managed. He finally employed hon. Members to work with the technocrats who will help them in discharging duties.
Emeritus professor Kwasi B. Adarkwa Government representative extended his congratulations to the Hon. Assembly Members and the unit Committee members for their success at the polls on behalf of the President of Ghana. In his inaugural speech, he indicated that it is an honor and privilege to be elected or appointed to serve the residents of your localities and therefore entreated them to build good working relationship with their colleague Assembly Members, Municipal Chief Executive, Member of Parliament, staff of the Municipal Assembly, and the people they represent. He further urged them to establish strong partnerships and collaborate with the local structures particularly the Zonal Council, the Unit Committee and traditional authorities as well as other identifiable group to facilitate the work of the Municipal Assembly through these partnerships and collaborations that the ideas of local governance are optimized for the benefit of the group.
The election of presiding member was conducted by the district electoral commission. Honorable Eric Mensah Assembly member for Dwaabronoso was nominated for the presiding member’s position and no objection was raised. Honorable Eric Mensah was elected as the presiding member of Assin Foso Municipal Assembly.